Today - 29 October 2019

Its been a cold day today - a day for indoor day jobs - and I have been applying to submit work to another couple of exhibition opportunities.  

I am a member of North Devon Arts, a local art society based in this area, who have a Christmas exhibition coming up next month. Today has been a time for sorting out what to submit - only two works - but I wanted them to be quite recent and not shown anywhere else before now. 

The first one,  Primero Y Ultimo, was created following a trip to Spain, to the caves in Altamira, where there are  cave paintings from eons ago. The caves were first discovered in the 1860’s, and excavation began, completing in the 1960’s when it was found that the paintings were deteriorating from human contact and light. Archivists and others then set about creating the paintings that we can see today, using, as far as possible, replicas of paint and image. A couple of years ago, we also visited Ronda in Spain, and had a tour of the corrida, the bullring. Although bullfighting is not something I condone, the way in which the beast is revered, was. Therefore, the image is an amalgam, of images that translated from my head to my hand, to my brush. 

The second one is called, Hot Rock, and to me, speaks about the movement of the planet’s layers, deep beneath the surface. Hope you like them.

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